Simona Giagnoni

Capitan pituffo and the underwater gnomes

€ 12,00

Casa Editrice: Extempora Edizioni

Anno: 2024

N. Pagine: 34

Formato: 21x29,7

Gnomes, fairies, seahorses, submarines and fantastic characters will transport you to a magical world where you’ll meet cute forks and mischievous doodles who will accompany you on a stellar journey where the protagonists will be brave and intrepid talking flowers.This story is a transposition of reality and modern society, through various characters you will discover the many facets of the human soul. It is a cosmic voyage, an adventure into the space to which people has always asked his questions. It’s a game of imagination to protect the magical world of children’s dreams where anything is still possible.Children learn to live experiences with a cosmopolitan spirit, not to be afraid of the different thing even if it is sometimes incomprehensible. It’s a book also designed to complement the various school subjects obviously helped by a multidisciplinary interpretation..It’s an happy adventure, a journey that all children should take in their daily lives, at school, at home and with friends.
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